We have the best dermatologist at Dr. Aggarwal's Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi. We provide cosmetic surgery like photo facials. Photo Facial Treatments are a series of non-invasive laser skin rejuvenation treatments that produce a youthful glow on the face. Sun spots, age spots, brown spots, freckles, fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, uneven pigmentation, broken capillaries, flushing, and redness of the face and neck are also reduced. Photo facial rejuvenation results in clearer, younger-looking skin and skin tone. With little to no downtime, the Photo Facial Procedure allows you to visibly improve your appearance and rejuvenate your skin. Skin rejuvenation can be done as an outpatient procedure.

Many skin conditions, including acne, skin redness, fine lines, and wrinkles, are light sensitive. For such conditions, go to Dr. Aggarwal's Wellness Multispeciality Hospital, which offers Photo facial Treatment in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi by experts who use light-based technology to boost collagen, lighten brown spots, and reduce broken capillaries.

Photo facial is an enhanced skin facial that uses light-based technology to treat UV-damaged skin, freckles, blemishes, broken capillary, and open pores all at once. It is also called photo rejuvenation. It gradually reverses skin problems and improves skin texture and tone. The procedure should be done in a recognized skin clinic under the supervision of an expert dermatologist.

Photo Facial treatment
Photo Facial treatment
Photo Facial treatment


Benefits Of Photo Facial

  • Reduces Wrinkles

  • Decrease The Appearance of Freckles

  • Removes Sun Spots/Hyperpigmentation Spots

  • Improves Skin Tone

  • Treats Rosacea

Benefits of taking this treatment from us

  • We have advanced technology-based laser equipment.

  • Treatments are done by the best dermatologists.

  • We always use the best precautions before and after treatment.

  • We always care for you till the complete treatment.

  • If you are dealing with skin issues such as acne scarring, you want a  treatment that is both safe and convenient while also providing noticeable results.

  • Painless & Easy

Precautions To Be Taken Before Treatment :

  • You must avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4 weeks prior to your treatment.

  • Avoid using self-tanner for two weeks before treatment.

  • For one week before your treatment, avoid aspirin and ibuprofen. Inform your doctor if you are taking blood thinners or aspirin or ibuprofen on a regular basis.

  • Avoid alcohol for two days before treatment.

  • Inform the doctor if have taken Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past year.

  • Store ice packs in your freezer for use after your procedure. 

PHOTO FACIAL treatment

Step by Step Medi Facial 

  • It is a medical procedure conducted in specialized products. In the beginning, the treatment area is thoroughly cleaned.

  • The doctor applies a vortex-like wand to your skin to help remove dirt and oil from deep within your pores. A peel is also used to exfoliate and resurface your skin.

  • Your provider uses a pen-like attachment to apply a moisturizing serum with antioxidants.

  • In a few minutes to hours, the area is treated, and the patient can go home.


Book An Appointment

Noticeable improvement in pigmented and vascular lesions, skin complexion, and fine lines and wrinkles after just a few treatments.

Optimal use of light and heat energy guarantees safety when treating the sensitive facial area.

Treatment time is quick with a typical session averaging 10-15 minutes. (You can do it on your lunch break). No preparation is required. No down time or recovery time.

LHE works best over time. Many people see results almost immediately, however, a series of 6-10 treatments is recommended for maximum results. Remember, you will only get the results you're looking for if you make the commitment to yourself.

LHE works on the principles of selective photo-thermolysis. It uniquely utilizes the combined energy of light and heat, delivered to the skin's surface at specific settings in precise amounts, in order to achieve maximum efficacy.